A stay in Barretstown offers something that we can never achieve in hospital- it gives our patients their childhood back and completes the healing process. Dr. Jane Pears, Consultant Paediatric Oncologist, Our Lady’s Hospital Crumlin
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Hospitals treat the illness; Barretstown treats the child.
As cancer and other serious illnesses diagnoses rise and survival rates improve, the demand for our services continues to grow. More children and families are facing the long, challenging journey through treatment.
Barretstown is here to help them deal with the emotional and psychological scars that can linger after months or even years of treatment.
Our programme, endorsed by leading medical professionals, is internationally recognised for its profound and long-lasting impact on the lives of children with cancer and other serious illnesses.
After participating in Barretstown, children return home with renewed confidence, self-esteem, and the skills they need to continue their journey toward recovery.