Back to Barretstown Appeal
"Barretstown is a place that has allowed my daughter to be the little girl she was and is. Even though the cancer is gone, the long-term effects and the mental scars are very much real. Barretstown is her magical place."

This Autumn we are asking for your help to get seriously ill children 'Back to Barretstown'.
There has been huge excitement here in Barretstown since we reopened our gates in June and restarted our Outreach programmes in August. We have been so happy to welcome seriously ill children and their families Back to Barretstown to experience our therapeutic programmes in person once again. Here we share some of the happy stories of campers and volunteers who have gotten Back to Barretstown so far.
But there are over 10,000 children and family members still waiting for their chance to get Back to Barretstown, so we need your help today.

Hugh shares his excitement at getting Back to Barretstown volunteering and the impact for families
Since volunteering at his first camp in 2017, Hugh has volunteered at over 25 camps! Here Hugh shares his love of Barretstown and unique perspective on the impact of your support.
``Some of the greatest privileges in my life have been witnessing seriously ill children realising their strength and finding their confidence again``

Isaac got Back to Barretstown
You may remember Ashley and her son Isaac shared their family story last summer, when they were so disappointed to have their first Barretstown camp cancelled due to COVID. Isaac suffers from a rare genetic condition, he’s been in and out of hospital since the day he was born and sick most of his life. Thankfully this summer we were able to welcome Isaac and his family Back to Barretstown. Isaac’s mum Ashley, shares what getting to Barretstown meant to her family…
Read Isaac's full story from last year here``Being at camp was just magical. It's amazing how there is no difference in any child, every child is treated with this upbeat full of life friendly approach - once you go through those gates it’s like being in a different world, one where those in that land have walked in your shoes, an invisible safety net is wrapped around your family. Their childhood sparks alive... It really is the most magical place.``
Ashley, mum to Isaac

This Autumn we need YOU to help get seriously ill children and their families Back to Barretstown
Donate Now
Abbie got Back to Barretstown
The Colfer family share their thoughts on being Back to Barretstown..
``Barretstown is a place that has firstly allowed my daughter to be the little girl she was and is. It allowed her to be happy, have fun, laugh, play with her peers, while not having to worry about her illness, and not worrying about being different.It has allowed her to heal both physically and mentally. Even though the cancer is gone, the long-term effects and the mental scars are very much real. Barretstown is her magical place, being back there, really showed us how lucky we are to have the support of Barretstown and all its truly amazing staff.“
Some photos from campers enjoying being Back to Barretstown this summer
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The Impact of Your Donation
``Honestly words can’t really describe what a wonderful place it is. My son didn’t feel different because he has a condition that none of his friends have. When he’s there, everyone is in the same. It's a magical place to be.``