I did it mum I am a cowboy as rode on a horse - am so proud of myself mummy he said. I love Barretstown and want to go back again but hope I feel not
Magic Moments
First time riding a horse. Julia loves all animals.
Although Lucas has never actually been to barretstown because of the virus, we received barretstown boxes. He absolutely loved it, a day just for
Seeing families dance at the table or say I will definitely be back. That to me is the effect Barretstown has on the lives of families.
Going to camp with my China doll, paige and our family. Best weekend of our life's
Dance in the dining hall. My son got on stage and was singing his lungs out ( he never does this), loved singing & dancing with the team. His
Getting dressed up and having so much fun ! Pure joy !! It was magic from arrival - magic to be so warmly welcomed & included - magic to meet
Watching my 3 children having great fun and making precious memories together ❤
My daughter Erica (10 years old Summer 2018) scaling new heights at Barrestown. This was just a few months after finishing treatment for Stage 3
So many fabulous memories and definitely moments that helped us as a family, this one of my two boys Ben and Luke dancing (Lukes on Bens shoulders)
I loved all my Cara's, they were the best and I loved Barretstown it's amazing! I cried when I left and can not wait to visit again
When I wake up in the morning, I see the sunrise over the hills and know there are so many kind people around me. So I can't wait to enjoy another
Being super hyper with my friend and just having uncontrollable laughter for hours to the point of tears.
Seeing my son Aaron laughing from the minute we arrived , every Cara made him feel so special like a VIP for the weekend , the first night at dinner
When Jake climbed the wall out of his wheelchair and everyone cheered for him and Shania, Jason, Jake and myself crying when we had to go home cos we
My magic moment is when I cut off 14 inches of my hair last summer and raised €3,714 for Barretstown! I went to Barretstown two years ago with my
There are so many magic moments. Every one of our photos makes us smile. Such a fabulous and magical time we had there. This one of Sarah and Mick I
Realising that there are other people just like me !(and playing battleship with my caras)
Being together, having fun with no distractions and being given the most amazing activities to bring us together as a family.
Our magic moment was when we were making a video while all dressed up, we all had great fun making the video and also creating great memories
2 magic moments stand out for me! At family camp the parents were canoeing and one of the games the parents played was football, in the canoes! And
Magic moment is to see a family arrive step out of their comfort zone a little and enjoy camp and what it has to offer.
The Sweeney girls couldn't believe it when their Daddy finally let the magic of Barretstown in 💫💫💫 and danced very enthusiastically for his
Our Magic Moments Wall was inspired by our incredible camper, Áine Ryan, who showed everyone there's nothing you can't do if you put your mind to it.
On the Saturday at dinner walking into the dining hall to 'be our guest' and all the caras lining the way in. It was amazing 😍🥰
I was a volunteer at a family camp in March 2020 and it was just absolutely amazing to see three teenager siblings and their parents come out of
Watching the children's confidence and self esteem grow from the start of camp to the final day.
My magic moment at camp was seeing the children with EB enjoy the horse riding at camp . This was so special as the families explained that they
My magic moment at camp was at the last night of a summer session, everyone was at the dining hall, a camper was doing karaoke of a Greek song,
Seeing the happy faces of all the mums who got a special present for Mother’s day during a family camp
Seeing the kids just have fun and all the laughs, it’s brilliant
Hearing a camper talk about how he feels when he enters camp, he is no longer the sick kid. He is like everyone else. A place where he can make
During Bereavement camp, having a father showing us the pictures of his daughter, when just two days earlier he had said he did not want to talk
Seeing the families at bereavement camps being able to smile again. Making a difference in their lives. I love to listen to their stories as most
Special day, summer 1, 2017. Wonderful memories in the sunshine.
Our magic moment was when David was a VIP for the weekend, the Caras make you feel so welcome and they were great with David.
Dance for your dinner. Watching my little boy Adam come to life and overcome his shyness and just smile and dance around the table with all his new
There are too many to count, but the times that I have volunteered and seen a camper completely come out of their shell by the last day of camp are
One of the lovely campers drew on my face these gorgeous flowers
Working in such a special place there have been so many magic moments, but one that always makes me smile is when I am on a work call and have to
Seeing a camper finish camp as an 18 year old having first been at a family camp when he was 7 and had first gotten sick. Hugging his mam in Jim's
It's hard to choose just one magic moment! These beautiful flowers were drawn by one of our campers who dreams of becoming a make-up artist!
Making kids smile when they dont feel like it has been really magical
Making brownies together during virtual camp was so much fun
First time horse riding. I was so scared of horse riding I didn't get up on the horse the first time, now I have my own pony and want to work with
We as a family have so many in the times we went to camp but one we always still talk about and sometimes try and do to cheer us up after a bad day
Seeing Matthew smile,be a child and not have the worry of another appointment or surgery was an emotional experience. He came alive again, dancing
Because of one of JJ's different abilities he refused to get out of the car to begin our magical weekend. Oh we had so much fun we couldn’t get him
Getting courage to do fun things I was scared to do before in case I ended up with a bleed. Barretstown gave me bravery.
I don’t think we could pick just one moment as the whole weekend was just magic. Seeing Sophia smile and have so much fun, her first time to go
First time in a Canoe at our first family weekend in Barretstown
Meeting Hillary Clinton and making so many new friends from different parts of Ireland and other countries. We keep in touch all the time.
For years I watched my brother Ben on the high ropes but was never brave enough to have a go myself. In 2017, I decided to take a leap of faith and
Our magic moment was being able to let our kids off on activities with the fantastic Barretstown team without Mom and Dad hovering from a corner to
Pop 'til you drop! So hard to pick one Barretstown magic moment! So, I have 2 :)) The rock climbing wall and the balloon pop. I love this photo as I
Meeting former campers coming back to volunteer is always a magic moment and I can still remember clearly my first camp as an activity leader in
On June 4th standing outside the castle and being there to see the first family being welcomed back on site after being closed for residential camp
Niamh relaxing after a busy day in Barretstown. Niamh has a rare kidney condition which meant she spent a lot of time in hospital over the years.
Hearing the screams and seeing the smiles when this gang paraded past the dining room. I can't wait till we do this again.
Last weekend, another fab weekend meeting new friends
Developing a rapport with volunteers and families you feel you have known all your life. The place where we all have fun being a little silly and all
Barretstown is truly an amazing place where the magic comes alive it's the families you see coming from all walks of life having fun letting there
Barretstown is the definition of fun. Every moment spent there is a memory. The joy, love and dedication to the children and all the family is
Listening to families identifying how they feel putting yourself in there shoes as to how they see life through their lens that's the magic for