A stay in Barretstown offers something that we can never achieve in hospital- it gives our patients their childhood back and completes the healing process. Dr. Jane Pears, Consultant Paediatric Oncologist, Our Lady’s Hospital Crumlin
The Med Shed
Barretstown has a fully equipped medical facility on site called the Med Shed. It is housed in a beautifully restored stone cottage, overlooking the tranquil Secret Garden.
The Med Shed
The Barretstown’s medical centre, the “Med Shed”, is under the direction of the Nursing Director, Senior Nurse and Medical Director.
It is designed to be a sheltering, friendly environment to provide care for minor injuries, general paediatric problems, and administer oral medications including oral chemotherapy, IV push chemotherapy and factor infusions. Transfusions are not routinely given, nor are multi-agent IV chemotherapy.
The Med-Shed has a large reception room with couches always partially occupied by the seven dwarves. This leads through a wheel chair accessible ramp to the nurse’s station overlooking the secret garden. The nurse’s station houses the medical records and leads to the four patient exam-rooms, five sleeping rooms, bathrooms and pharmacy.
Volunteer doctors and nurses from Spain, England, Hungary and many other countries join the Nursing Director and Senior Nurse for each session during the summer. The sessions are staffed with two doctors and four to six nurses.
How are the medical needs of the children met?
Our medical team observes the medical regime advised by the child’s doctor. Our med shed is affiliated with Our Lady’s Children Hospital in Dublin.
Will my child be checked into the med shed on arrival day?
Every child is seen in the Med Shed on arrival day, regardless of whether they are on medication or not. The nursing staff check in the children who are not receiving any medication. This assessment is brief and consists of the nurse obtaining additional information such as allergies, special needs and dressing requirements which may not be noted on the child’s chart. The nurse is also responsible for explaining the Med Shed facilities to the child and addressing any concerns or questions they may have.
The children requiring treatment while on site are seen by one of the volunteer doctors along with a nurse. The child’s medication are transcribed onto the Barretstown prescription sheets and signed by the doctor. At this time they may also obtain information in relation to blood draws, dressing procedures and further treatment which are pertinent to the child’s stay at Barretstown.
Does my child need to bring their medication with them?
Children on treatment are required to bring their medication in the original container and any equipment required for special medical care.
What if my child's medication has changed since the application form was sent in?
If there have been changes to medication or treatment please fill in the ‘Arrival Day Update’ sheet which you will have received with your application form, and bring it with you to camp. When the children are checked-in through the med shed all medical forms including the arrival update sheet will be reviewed.
Still have questions?
We would be delighted to answer any questions that you have around the Med Shed here at Barretstown. You can reach us on 045 864115 of why not email us on the below link.
Email BarretstownSee what others have to say
Barretstown is as important as the chemotherapy we give kids… it’s as important as the nursing care, the doctor care; it is part and parcel equally of their treatmentProf Owen Smith, Consultant Haematology, Our Lady’s Hospital Crumlin
At Barretstown I felt like we’d been given the ability to breathe again. At times, you can feel like you’re drowning. And that’s how we were feeling at that moment. It couldn’t have come at a better time.Mark, Daniel's Dad