Listen to campers
Children feel valued and respected when we listen to them. Open communication during positive times will ease the challenges of communicating when situations are difficult and emotions are charged. Always be open to the children approaching you even when it is not convenient. It is easier to talk about things that we like. Ask the child questions about a favourite music group, movie star, or television show. Ask about school,sports, camp, etc. Most important listen.
Validate their feelings and match their excitement. Be engaging e.g. ask questions, nod, smile!
Anchor – lean against something, or sit down. This conveys to the individual that they have your full attention and that you are not going anywhere.
Allow for pauses and silence. Give them time to reflect or gather their thoughts.
Don't interrupt!
Tip 1: if you imagine the word ‘W.A.I.T’ written on the person’s forehead,
which stands for ‘Why Am I Talking?’ it may help you to refocus on the
individual and give them your full attention.
Tip 2: Ask open ended questions e.g ``tell me more....``