Therapeutic Recreation
Barretstown’s unique model of Therapeutic Recreation is taken from elements of a number of disciplines including; Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Recreational Therapy, Adventure Based Counselling and Education. At it’s simplest Therapeutic Recreation is all about giving control back to campers.
Barretstown offers a child centred programme designed to meet the individual needs of each child/family member. The goal is to ensure that individuals gain, or regain, skills and an understanding of their own abilities that can enable them to make informed choices in other aspects of their lives. The loss of control that many children and their families experience as a result of a serious illness can gradually erode confidence, diminish self-esteem, body image and coping skills.
By using Therapeutic Recreation we have the ability to empower and encourage each individual to step out of their comfort zone and begin to re-build their confidence, trust and self-esteem and discover something new about themselves and their ability. Through careful guidance and encouragement from staff and each other, they learn to challenge themselves, to try something new in a safe, fun and supportive environment. These challenges are met with success as Therapeutic Recreation is experiential learning through fun.