
Barretstown is here for families throughout their cancer journey. Our residential camps have a profound effect and lasting impact on our campers and their families. After participating, children go home with increased confidence, self-esteem and more importantly the reassurance that happiness is not just for healthy children.

Meet Katie. Katie is one of the many campers we have served through our residential programmes over the past 30 years. Katies world came grinding to a halt when she received the devastating diagnosis of cancer – a Wilms Tumour on her kidney, at just 6 years old. 

Katie Mooney - Image 2

Following an exhausting journey of appointments and surgeries and hospitals and specialists, Katie, her Mum Ciara and Step-Dad Tom came to Barretstown.

With the med shed on site fully stocked and equipped to look after Katie and anything she needed, she could really immerse herself freely into life at camp.

Through our therapeutic recreation programmes, Katie finally felt back in control after months of being defined by her diagnosis. Ciara watched her self esteem grow and saw a shift from ‘sick patient’ to child at play. Ciara told us it’s a memory she’ll treasure as long as she lives.

Will you be there for another family like Katies this Spring?

Katie Mooney - Image 5

Sprinkle a Little Magic

Your support for Barretstown  will give another seriously  ill child like Marlie the chance to experience Barretstown's life changing Therapeutic Programmes.

Barretstown offers free , specially designed camps and programmes for children and their families living with a serious illness - supported behind the scenes by 24 hour on site medical and nursing care.

"Our little Marlie had five surgeries in the space of a month... without Barretstown, I don't know how we'd have coped"Jenny, Marlie's Mum

Sprinkle a Little Magic

Your support for Barretstown  will give another seriously  ill child like Marlie the chance to experience Barretstown's life changing Therapeutic Programmes.

Barretstown offers free , specially designed camps and programmes for children and their families living with a serious illness - supported behind the scenes by 24 hour on site medical and nursing care.

``Barretstown’s is as important as the chemotherapy we give kids and adolescents with cancer. it’s as important as the care given by nurses, doctors and other healthcare professionals. I consider Barretstown a key pillar in how we deliver inclusive comprehensive cancer care to our children and young people in Ireland`` - Prof Owen Smith, Medical Patron

€9 million

Needed in fundraising for 2024

More than 100,000

Campers Served


Illness Groups Served