They did it and what an achievement. Raising a phenomenal 10k for Barretstown Eoin and Mike spent 7 pain filled and rain filled days cycling from Malin to Mizen in aid of Barretstown, with lots of support from their colleagues in Hays Ireland and of course all of us in Barretstown.
Their achievement is even more amazing given that neither of them were accomplished cyclists before – but they sure are now! Their daily diary is a great read. Here’s a snippet
Amazingly, as we prepared for the final day in our B&B, a programme on TV3 put our challenge into context. They had a Barretstown camper on doing an interview, describing what it meant to her to have gone to the camp following her illness. As all three of us (me, Eoin & dad) wiped away a tear, we had a reinforced belief that the pain we’d encountered during the last week was completely worth it. Barretstown is an unbelievable place and if our efforts could go just a small way to helping, we were delighted.
From all of us at Barretstown and all the campers that you’ve helped a BIG THANK YOU!