
1% Difference for Barretstown

The One Percent Difference campaign encourages every individual and business in Ireland to give 1% of their time or 1% of their income to a cause they care about, such as Barretstown. Here is a little information about how you can give your 1% to Barretstown…

1% Time – Volunteer with Barretstown

Here in Barretstown we depend on over 700 volunteers each year to help us rebuild the lives of children, and their families, after serious illness. These vital volunteers give us 1% of their time and we couldn’t deliver our programmes without their kindness. For more information about volunteering with Barretstown click here.

Some of our amazing October volunteers
Some of our amazing October volunteers

1% Income – Donate to Barretstown

A core principle of Barretstown is that every child and family that comes to experience the magic of Barretstown do so free of charge. It costs €4.5 million annually to run Barretstown. Each year thousands of people hold fundraising events on behalf of Barretstown, donate to Barretstown and sign up to be a regular monthly giver. Without these 1% (and more) donations we wouldn’t be able to delivery our life changing programmes. Raising €4.5 million each year is a constant challenge. If you would like to donate your 1% please click here.

If you already give 1% to Barretstown thank you so much, you are directly helping to bring more children and families to experience the magic of Barretstown. For more information about the 1% Difference Campaign and National Giving Week click here.

Celebrate your 1% with Today FM

Today FM are celebrating the 1% Difference people are making, why not tell people what you give your 1% to Barretstown, and Barretstown could win €10,000 in cash and a radio advertising campaign worth €10,000. Find out more here, and check out some of the amazing entries for Barretstown that people have already, don’t forget to vote too!