2021 AroundWorldiDonate03

We’re Going Around the World – Will You Join Us?!


iDonate and  event partner Charities Institute Ireland, have launched a brand new ‘Around the World’ virtual campaign and we want YOU to be involved on behalf of Barretstown!

You can walk, run, roll, cycle, swim or crawl… any movement counts and every little helps!

Together we will aim to cover 42,000km in 24 hours,

between midday June 19th and midday June 20th 2021

Would you like to be part of this exciting new virtual challenge this summer?!


It’s time to act!


Visit the special AROUND THE WORLD website to register NOW!

Visit the special AROUND THE WORLD website to register NOW!

Starting at midday June 19th and running until midday June 20th, we want YOU to help us go Around the World and raise funds for Barretstown! This challenge is open to everyone – all ages and abilities. You can complete any distance you like doing any activity you like.

Around the World was setup to support fantastic causes across Ireland and Barretstown are proud to be part of it!

There are just 3 simple steps to getting involved!
1. Create Your Personal Fundraising Page
2. Share your fundraising page with friends and family
3. Complete your KM’s on June 19th or 20th and help us go Around the World

Just visit the AROUND THE WORLD website....and sign up TODAY!

Get Started!