Emergency Appeal
Please support our Emergency Appeal and help bring children like Isaac to camp
``When a family comes to Barretstown, they're able to have an escape. We need that now more than ever, these months have been so much harder.`` - Ashley Keenan, Isaac's mum.

Please Press Play for children like Isaac
The COVID-19 crisis has affected us all, and it has certainly had a huge impact on Barretstown. It means there’s now an even longer waiting list of children and families who are in desperate need of our therapeutic programmes. For families like Isaac’s, the pandemic is much more than just a temporary upset to normal life. Children like him whose immune systems are compromised by severe illness and gruelling treatments are at a much higher risk of being severly affected by COVID-19. It means their families are living with constant fear and anxiety. They were the first to go into lockdown and will be the last to emerge from it.
That’s why we urgently need to PRESS PLAY on the lives of children like Isaac, and bring them to Barretstown as soon as possible. But we need your help to do it.
DonateThere are now a staggering 8,308 campers on our waiting lists that urgently need our help.

Life in lockdown for Ashley and Isaac
Our whole family were due to go to Barretstown for a family camp in March this year. It was a real blow when camps were postponed. Isaac and Madison were so excited. Now, thousands of families like ours are waiting for the chance to experience Barretstown’s life-changing therapeutic programmes. Barretstown didn’t leave us disappointed for long. It was a Friday morning when a Barretstown car pulled up outside our house to bring the camp to us through their Barretstown Live Programme. We had the best day ever from the safety of our own home! Isaac got to enjoy normal childhood experiences that so many take for granted.
Barretstown Live was a taster of what the camp experience will mean to my family. The longer we have to wait, the worse out Isolation gets. That’s why it’s so important that Barretstown gets up and running again for all the families that are counting on them. Please, if you can, make a donation today so little ones like Isaac can get to camp.
Will you make an emergency donation today and help us to bring laughter back to Barretstown for thousands of children across Ireland that desperately need our help?
I want to give:

Barretstown Live
We have worked hard to ensure that we can still deliver our therapeutic programmes to families across Ireland through our online interactive Barretstown Live platform. These programmes are being delivered every Saturday to families who were due to come to camp and will run for the foreseeable future.
In advance of participating in these programmes, families receive a Barretstown Live kit with all the elements they need to participate. The feedback from the families that have participated so far has been amazing!
Summer Programmes
Barretstown Live will run for both teens and younger campers during the summer months. Campers will get the opportunity to sign up for a three-day virtual camp where they will be grouped together by age.
Our teen campers love the fun element of camp, the high energy activities and the chance the get to know and chat with fellow campers. Younger campers can enjoy activities such as arts and crafts, baking, spy school, prank party and whacky science along with classic camp dances, skits and songs for the kids to engage with throughout the day, all of which make for a recipe of fun.
DonatePlease Press Play for children like Isaac, who are living with a serious illness, by supporting us today.
The Impact of Your Donation
``When I got cancer, it was very hard for me and my family, but Barretstown made it all so much ...
Cancer took Aidan to a bad place. But Barretstown pulled him back into the light again ...