
Barretstown Live

Barretstown Live is........ Live!

Barretstown Live is........ Live!

Barretstown is very proud and excited to present ‘Barretstown Live’ – our new online interactive platform to Livestream Barretstown’s programmes to homes nationwide.

The COVID-19 crisis means that children with a serious illness like those who come to Barretstown, who are immune-compromised, are currently even more isolated. That also means they need Barretstown’s therapeutic programmes now more than ever.

We had to make the very difficult decision to postpone our Spring and Summer camps this year. But we are determined to keep the Barretstown magic alive. That’s why we have been very busy developing our new Barretstown Live programmes. The Barretstown team have created a specially designed studio onsite to deliver these programmes. Take a look below to find out what it's all about.

Barretstown Live for Camper Families 

Barretstown Live for Camper Families 

Each Saturday, families from all over Ireland can attend a live, full-day broadcast with a schedule of fun and engaging activities catered for the enjoyment of the entire family. These programmes still meet all the aspects of our therapeutic programmes that make Barretstown so unique.
In advance of participating in these programmes, families will receive a ‘Barretstown Live’ kit which will contain everything they need to participate. The feedback from the families who have participated so far has been amazing!

Barretstown Live will run for both teens and younger campers during the summer months. Read on to learn more.

Summer Programmes

Summer Programmes

Campers will get the opportunity to sign up for a three-day virtual camp where they will be grouped together by age, into both teen and younger camper groups.

Our teen campers love the fun element of camp, the high energy activities and the chance the get to know and chat with fellow campers. Our virtual activities have been created with this in mind, offering our campers the chance to connect with one another and expand their support circles through the best way possible – Camp!

Planning is very much underway for our kids programme which is taking place later in the summer. Activities such as arts and crafts, baking, spy school, prank party, and whacky science form part of the plan with classic camp dances, skits and songs for the kids to engage with throughout the day all make for a recipe of fun. Stay tuned for more!

Barretstown Live on Facebook for Everyone 

Barretstown Live on Facebook for Everyone 

And that’s not all… we have also been keeping the magic of Barretstown alive with families all over the world through Facebook live broadcasts, taking place every week with hours of live content, fun games and crazy activities. This has been a fantastic way to connect with campers, families, and volunteers from all over the world. Be sure to share the news with all your friends and families  and tune in to the Facebook fun.

Facebook Live
Barretstown Live Outreach Programme

Barretstown Live Outreach Programme

We have also extended our hospitals' programme to bring some Barretstown magic to the children who are feeling the effects of COVID-19 restriction on visitors even more so than ever before. With playrooms closed and tighter restrictions around hospital movement, these children have been in desperate need for some serious play, which is exactly what our outreach team have been able to facilitate through the Barretstown Live initiative.


We need your support

Barretstown is doing everything it can to continue to support our campers and the children of Ireland in these very challenging times. The children Barretstown serves already suffer the effects of isolation due to the impact of a serious illness and the current situation is only making this worse. We need your help now more than ever as we work to roll out this new online platform, which will allow us to continue to deliver life-changing programmes to these children and their families  that need us most.  

Will you please Press Play and donate to Barretstown today?