
Team Work Dublin Mountains Challenge!

Florence Cusack and her team have taken on the 24K route of the Dublin Mountains Challenge for the past 3 years.  This year “The Great and The Greatestsss” are challenging themselves even further and are taking on the 42k route and hope to encourage others to do the same!


This is what these lovely ladies have to say, in a few lines, about their experience on the Dublin Mountains Challenge:


“A little, challenge, a walk, nature, beautiful views…,

A team bounding experience and personal enrichment…,

An opportunity to HELP and support, a feeling of achievement and rewarding experience…,

Taking a day out of our busy life, making time for fundraising and team preparation spirit…,

A smile and hope in a sick child’s life, play time, fun, joy and laughter…,

Barretstown provides great quality support for families and children, and also ways to be part of it all with great opportunities to participate to events, and we wouldn’t miss The Dublin Mountain Challenge! Everyone can help a little! So we see you on Sunday 26th May bright and early!


Cusack Team DMC