
The story of the Legless Llamas – Group participants in DMC 2016

The story of the Legless Llamas – Dublin Mountains Challenge group participants in DMC 2016

Finish Line Legless Llamas Dublin Mountains Challenge 2016

The below is just a story of one our participants John who has completed the Dublin Mountains Challenge in both 2015, 2016 and has his walking boots all laced up and ready to go for 2017! Its amazing to see the team work and friendships between teams that participate on the day. Over the last two years we have had work colleagues, friends, family, clubs and many more participate in Dublin Mountains Challenge and this year we are hoping for a bigger and better year!

Legless Llamas Story

The DMC 2016 challenge was my second outing for Barretstown and it was no walk in the park.

The 42km from Tallaght across to Shankill has some breath-taking scenery and what better way to see it and experience the way marked route by doing it with over 500 other hikers for an incredible cause.

With wonderful support from family, friends and work colleagues in the lead up to the day itself, the various volunteers and organising committee make it a fun day so that everyone had the best chance to complete their chosen distance.   Whether you decide to shoot for the 24km or 42km target, you will find a tough but rewarding challenge knowing that the funds raised will go to some amazing families.

My team mates on the day, Paul Hewetson, Marian Dinneen and John Dillon were also delighted to have completed the challenge as 42km was the furthest anyone had hiked by some distance.  Well done and thanks to everyone involved in organising the 2016 event and we’re looking forward to 2017 so that we can raise even more funds for a great cause.

Find out more about the Dublin Mountains Challenge HERE 

Dublin Mountains Challenge Group